We weren't on top of things this year and never got a Christmas card done, so this is the next best thing! Here's what happened in the Miner family in 2009.
Kevin Turned 2!!
Mark went to Colorado for work and Marky went along to spend some one on one time with his grandparents.
Dad and the boys went to a Monster Truck show with some of their friends. I think this will become an annual event.
Mark started Cal Ripkin TBall and had his dad for a coach. Both of them had a blast and are looking forward to next season!
The boys took their first family camping trip. Mom was sick that day and stayed home, but Dad handled it like a champ and everyone had a great time!
Grandma and Grandpa came and watched the boys while Mark and I went to Sacramento for a few days. We went hiking, shopping, and ate a lot of good food!
We took our first California mountain hike. It wound up being longer than expected but everyone had fun. It's fun to see all the different parts of Cali!
Our first beach trip of the year was at the end of May. Our goal was to make it to the beach at least 3 times during the summer, and we accomplished our goal!
We bought a house!
The YW in our church made a trip to the Oakland temple, and our family went along. I was grateful for the opportunity to take my family to such a wonderful place!
The Miner family reunion was at Shaver Lake this year. The boys were in heaven getting to do all sorts of fun activities and having all their cousins around to play with.
Mark had his 5th birthday while we were on vacation. He had a perfect day of fishing, boating, and having a party with his family.
Mark started Kindergarten at Figarden Elementary. He absolutely loves school, and I have enjoyed working in his classroom.
We spent a few days in Las Vegas with Grandma and Grandpa. We all found the Hoover Dam pretty amazing, and the boys loved their souvenir helmats so much, they used them for their halloween costumes.
Also, Mark went on his first field trip as a Kindergartener and big Mark was able to go along as a chaperone. Both of them had a great time and hope to go on another one soon!
We go to the Fresno Fair every year, but this time we braved a few rides. Kevin and I loved the Ferris Wheel because you could see the entire Fair from up there. I also learned Kevin is not afraid of heights, but Marky sure is!
We heard about a really neat pumkin patch/farm from some friends of ours. I think we will go back here every year from now on! The have hay rides, a mini haunted maze (for little kids) a corn maze, and you get to pick out your own pumpkins.



Also, Mark went on his first field trip as a Kindergartener and big Mark was able to go along as a chaperone. Both of them had a great time and hope to go on another one soon!

Another sport, and another coaching gig for Dad! He coached Marky's soccer team and again, both father and son had a great time!
We traveled to Utah for Thanksgiving break, and the boys had their first ski trip! They must have Colorado blood running through them because they both did great and can't wait to go again.
Everyone went shooting while we were in Utah and Kevin shot a 22 for the first time. Mommy was very nervous, but Dad had things under control and Kevin loved it.
I let the kids decorate the tree this year. Kevin got really into it and put a bunch of ornaments on his section. I am proud to say that the tree stayed just how they did it, despite my constant urge to fix it.
Notice someone missing??? Mark was excited to sit on Santa's lap and tell him everything he wanted for Christmas. Kevin was having none of it. Thus, we have a Santa picture of only Mark. Maybe next year!
We had quiet Christmas at home this year with just the 4 of us. At first I was pretty upset that we would be spending the first Christmas ever without any extended family, but I soon came to realize that the people that matter most live under my roof. We still did all the things we normally do, just with a little less food!


2009 has been an eventful year for us. We are truly grateful for the experiences we've had this year, and the people that we shared them with. Let's hope 2010 is just a great!
1 comment:
What a year! You two are such great parents; you have very lucky (and darling!) boys. Here's to 2010!
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